- Grimt sprog - BAN
- Hold en ordenlig omgangstone!
- Reklame for andre servere, eller community's via clan-tag/chat/voice/navn er ikke tilladt - BAN
- Voice spam/chat spam er IKKE tilladt - MUTE
- Radio-spam (Roger that, enemy spotted, storm the front, etc.) er ikke tilladt - KICK/BAN
- Trade skal ske i chatten - MUTE
- (CT)/(T) skiftes til at rushe, annonceret i chatten - !rush
- Der må IKKE skydes igennem 1 vejs props fra den side man kan kigge igennem - KICK/BAN
- Der skal ALTID være en indgang/udgang i din base - KICK/BAN
- Der må IKKE sættes props på/i andres baser uden tilladelse fra basens ejer - KICK/BAN
- Der må IKKE sættes props i det modsatte holds baser - KICK/BAN
- Det modsatte hold SKAL kunne komme op til din base uden selv at sætte props - KICK/BAN
- Max 4 byggere i én base af gangen - KICK
- Der må ikke laves en mur der spærer banen - KICK/BAN
- Camping er ikke tilladt for det hold der rusher - KICK/BAN
- Det er IKKE tilladt at sætte props på andre spillere/spærre dem inde - KICK/BAN
- Det er IKKE tilladt at fjerne props der vil medføre i at andre tager skade eller dør - KICK/BAN
- Benyttelse af skype/teamspeak/ventrilo på kryds af holdene - KICK/BAN
- Det er IKKE tilladt at fjerne props for at skyde nogen og så sætte dem igen - KICK/BAN
- Bad behaviour/language - BAN
- Advertising for other servers, communites through clan-tag, voice chat or name - BAN
- Spamming through voice chat or chat is NOT allowed - MUTE
- Radio spamming (Roger that, enemy spotted, strom the front etc.) is NOT allowed - KICK/BAN
- Trading HAS to be through chat - MUTE
- (CT)/(T) switches to rush, announced in chat - !rush
- You are NOT allowed to shoot through one way props from the side you can look through (bookshelf fx) - KICK/BAN
- There HAS to be an entrance AND exit to your base - KICK/BAN
- You are NOT allowed to build in other people's bases WITHOUT permission from the owner of the base - KICK/BAN
- You are NOT allowed to set props in the enemy teams bases - KICK/BAN
- The other team HAS to be able to get up to your base without setting their own props - KICK/BAN
- The maxium amount of people in a base is 4 - KICK
- You are NOT allowed to build a wall that blocks the map in any way - KICK/BAN
- Camping is NOT allowed for the team that has to rush - KICK/BAN
- You are NOT allowed to set props on or around other people to get them stuck - KICK/BAN
- You are NOT allowed to remove props that will result in other people taking damage or dying - KICK/BAN
- You are NOT allowed to use skype/teamspeak/mumble etc across teams - KICK/BAN
- It's NOT allowed to remove a prop to kill somebody and then place it again - KICK/BAN
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