Reklame for andre servere, eller community's via clan-tag/chat/voice/navn er ikke tilladt - BAN
Voice spam/chat spam er IKKE tilladt - MUTE
Camping er ikke tilladt - BAN - Camping defineres ved at man bevogter det samme sted i 20 sekunder. - Camping af teleporte er begrænset til 5 sekunder.
Radio-spam (Roger that, enemy spotted, storm the front, etc.) er ikke tilladt - KICK/BAN
Trade skal ske i chatten - MUTE
Spawnkill er ikke tilladt - BAN
Bad behavior - BAN
Advertisement for another community with clan tag, name or chat - BAN
Voice spam/chat spam is not allowed - BAN
Camping is not allowed - BAN - Camping is defined by protecting the same area for 20 seconds. - Camping at teleports are restricted to 5 seconds.
Radio spam (Roger that, enemy spotted, storm the front, etc.) is not allowed - BAN
Trade happends in text chat - MUTE
Spawnkill is not allowed - BAN
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